Tuesday 21 September 2010


My name is Emily-Louise Mitchell and i am currently studying AGCE Applied Art and As Media. I am interested in a variety of different music from the magazines to the lyric to the genres. I  will be creating a music magazine publishing and promoting a new music band or the newest solo artist. Although i like all types of music genres, i have decided i want to promote a new girl pop/ rock band, with a target audience of 14 - 20, teenage girls. I believe this would be a good target audience primarily as this is going to be on the front cover of a school magazine.

Before creating my own four page spread when promoting the newest band, i have been researching a variety of different magazines. By doing this, it will enable me to gain knowledge across the subject. I have to take into concideration; target audience, presentation and adverts. Target audience is very important to consider, asking questions such as; what is my target audience? Why is this age bracket my target audience? what does my four page spread need to contain when reaching my target audience?. Adverts are also very important, especially when reaching my target audience. If my target audience is young girls between the ages of 10 - 15 who are interested in fashion, in my magazine, i will keep the amount of adverts which are selling thing like play station games to a minimum. I have looked closely into the magazine 'Top of the pops' and has researched closely adverts and target audience...

Selling the Product. Album Covers. Research

The Saturdays: Pop / Girl group  
  •  Each Band mate is spread out across the image which suggests that they wanted people to look at the image as a whole, making the image itself the focal point. Steps are also used to influence this. 
Ÿ  Each band mate is gazing toward to  right hand side of the image which highlight a sense if a journey which is being made.
Ÿ  ‘The Saturday’ is written is slightly large, bold, simple font which allows the full focus to be situated mainly of each band mate, however big enough so we (the audience) are able to see and recognise it.
Ÿ  We can see a clear contrast of the black and white background which the brightly coloured dresses which each band mate are wearing, highlighting attraction and a ‘fun’ element to their music.
Ÿ  Each band mate is wearing a different coloured dress which highlights uniqueness between each girl and a slight fashion element within them.
Ÿ  Quite hard lighting is being used within this image, we can see this through the shadows on the floor. I believe ‘the light’ is what each band mate is looking towards which allows each of their faces to be highlighted and recognised.
Ÿ  The image is framed so it is at eye level. I believe the purpose for this is to show a sense of equality and that each band mate is a normal girl which draws a sense of  friendship.
Ÿ  Bright colours are used to highlight a sense of fun and youth
Destiniys Child: R&B Girl group

  • Each band mate are looking directly at the camera highlighting confidence
  • Middle band mate situated below other two band mates and also camera angle at eye level showing equality within the band and audience
  • All three band mates wearing silver showing unity, however they are also wearing different sets of clothing showing uniqueness
  • Three band mate at full focus as they are situates across the whole image
  • Natural lighting is used as we are unable to see any shadows
  • All three women have very similar facial expressions portraying quite an ‘attitude’ approach highlight the R&B element within the album.
  • Sex appeal is highlight drawing attention to the male audience. However three beautiful women are on the front cover which appeal to the female audience also
                          Lady Gaga; Fashion icon and Pop singer

  • Lady Gaga is spread across three quarters of the image on the right hand side.                                                                                                                        
  • Next to the image of ‘Lady Gaga’ is the title of the single cover; ‘Lady Gaga’ and the name of the single; ‘Poker face’. The title ‘Lady Gaga is written in capitals highlighting the main ogjective of the cover. Although ‘Poker Face’ is also written in capital letters, the font size is slightly smaller. Also the fact that the ‘A’ in ‘face’ is replaces this the spades in a deck of cards highlighting humour. Although both the titles are written in capital, both are written in a very plain font foreshadowing the fact that the full focus of this single cover is the image of Lady Gaga herself.
  • Background is a swimming pool, however it is blurred. Could be showing the fact that is does want to take any attention off of the image.
  • Image of lady Gaga: She is stepping out of a pool. With her torso bend toward the camera and her hands, almost balancing on the floor. I believe the positing of her pose is quite animal like.
  • Clothing: Lady Gaga is wearing a leather / Latex all in one black suit, with diamond shaped shoulder pads and black leather gloves and a leather hood, which perhaps highlights a fashion statement. On the other hand also may suggest danger.
  • Also Lady Gaga is wearing a mirror like mask which almost covers her eyes which portrays a mysterious look which also draws attention as the audience wants to no more about lady gaga.
  • The fact that she is wearing an all in one black suit and her mouth is slightly open draws attention to a male audience as is highlight sex appeal. However the fact that she is a woman and there are elements of fashion within this image shows element which will appeal to a female audience
I would like to point out that I like the fact that this image hold a variety of very ‘random’ things within it. Poker face, swimming pool, animal like pose, mirror mask and a leather suit. All these element alone want me to hear the single ‘poker face’.

  Here i have looked at three different types of album covers. i wanted to look at album cover and they distinguish the type of musicans which are now appealing to the same type of audience which i will be looking as my audience. I looked close at the colours, poses, clothing, background, props and positioning of camera. all of these feature work together to attract a certain audience.

Photoshoots : Cherly Cole

A large photograph of a woman (Cheryl Cole) standing in the centre of the page, confidently, and looking directly at the camera highlighting attention. She is wearing a leather hat, tilted to the side, a white top imprinted with the name (Cheryl) and a large leopard print belt with a gold chain rapped around it. She is also wearing a variety of gold jewellery such as bangles, rings and a thick, gold necklace. Creating an image that she is a fashion icon and also very wealthy and also allowing the image to be eye-catching.
The image doesn’t contain another element other than Cheryl Cole, highlighting the full focus of the image. Her body positioning is quite ironic; she is looking directly at the camera showing confidence, her right arm is positioned across her torso with her wrist clenched, which shows a sense of strength. Finally her left hand is placed on her face with her little finger placed on her mouth highlighting seductiveness. The positioning of the camera is at eye-level allowing the audience a sense of equality and connection with Cheryl Cole. Text is written on the background of the image. It says ‘Cheryl’, it is also written in the same font at her name imprinted on her top. This highlights the fact that the purpose of this image is to inform and promote Cheryl Cole as a Solo artist.

 Alicia Keys
Here is an image of a famous singer called Alicia Keys
Background: a beach, which could reflect her music; soft, soulful and carm  

    Alicia Keyes is situated diagonally across the image highlighting her as the full focus.
  • She is wearing a mermaid fitted dress which is colour very simial to the colour of the bead background; blue and white.
  • The camera angle is at low angle shot highlight the power Alicia Keys has amongst her audience
  • Artificial lighting is used as we can see shadows on the floor, however the background is out doors there are elements to suggest that natural lighting is used .
  • The fact that Alicia Keys is leaning on a piano highlights the fact that she is a musician. And all show the genre of music she plays

Here i have looked at two different musicians; Cheryl Cole and Alicia Keys. Both of these images were photographs for a Magazine feature. I looked at these two images as i wanted to see how they musicans pose for a particular magazine article and how the draw attention to themselve aswell as the magazine itself. 

Excisting Magazines
Top of the Pops

A vast majority of the target audience is aimed at 10 - 15 year old school girls, who are interested in; fashion, make-up, beauty products, celebs / gossip, music and the latest movie releases.  With typical, specific Girlie advert such as Always and Miss sport mascara foreshadows the very minimal amount of Unisex adverts such as The holes 3D and The sims and the non male specific adverts used throughout.  Also the fact that each advert is selling a product which cost no more than £20, the fact that each product is quite cheap highlights the fact that this magazine is aimed at young audience as they have less money than an adult who works and is Able to afford better quality, more expensive products.

                                         Rolling Stone
Here are four women situated across the cover highlighting full focus. They are all wearing pink pyjama like clothing showing comfort and equality. Also highlighting equality - the fact that the camera angle is at eye level.
  • None of the girls are particularly posed, they look like they are having fun which allows the audience to feel engaged.
  • You have the title of the magazine ’Rolling stone’ Situated at the top of the cover and written in small writing above the title is a slogan advertising what is inside the magazine.
  • Down the right hand side are feature within the magazine
  • Written in large black font is “The Truth About The Hills’, ‘The Hills’ is written very large which draws attention to the fact that ‘The Hills’ are the main feature within the magazine.
  • Also underneath is written “OMG! So they totally hate each other?” the fact that they have writtin ‘OMG!’ instead of ‘O my god’ highlights youth. Also the fact that the have asked a question allows the reader to feel a part of the feature.

                                                               Michael Jackson

  • In the centre of the cover is the image of Michael Jackson. Clearly he is Jackson when this image was taken. He is wearing black and white which fit’s the background as the majority of this cover is coloured in black and white highlighting sophistication.
  • Artificial lighting is used as we can see a pure white floor and shadows. It looks like the lighting is coming from directly above Michael Jackson.
  • As a majority of the title; ‘Rolling stone’ is covered from the image highlight the importance of the man ‘Michael Jackson’
  • The only other writing on this cover is; “Michael Jackson - 1958-2009” suggests that this particular cover is contributed to Michael Jackson and that there is no other issues within the magazine.

Here i have looked at two different feature of the same magazine; Rolling Stone. As this magazine is very famous for it music element within it. I wanted to look closely at it front covers. i chose they two front covers as they are both very different yet they are both selling the magazine. I have now distingushed the fact that Michael Jackson is a very famous, well respected musican who died. As he is such a legend there was no need to any other feature to be mention. where the t.v show The Hills is quite the opposite as it needed the extra feature to seel the magazine.

My Practise Magazine

                      Front Page

                Contents Page

The Process of making...

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