Tuesday 4 January 2011

Evaluation of Front cover

Following my primary target audience of a female between the ages of 14- 25 interested in fashion, music, make-up and beauty, gossip, dance, celebs, top 10 hits, gigs. I wanted to create a pop field to my magazine cover. I dressed Jessica-Jazz a very pop, fashionable, quirty outfit to highligh a young target audience who is interested in fashion. She is also holding a microphone to foreshadow the pop and music element of who Jessica-Jazz really is. The background colour scheem of the front cover is very mellow at a grey. I specifically done this which allows Jessica Jazz to pop from the cover as she is wearing a very colourful outfit to fit the genre of the magaziner and allows the masterhead to stand out which i coloured white to highllight an almost glamorous effect. I believe my magazine cover if very effective. I have colaborated the fonts, colours, poses, outfits and backfground together to created a front cover to target a specific female audience who would be intererested in pop, music, fashion etc.